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Homeopathic Remedies to Reduce Dental Fear

If your feeling a little apprehensive before your next dental appointemnt or treatment why not let homeopathy give you a little helping hand. Homeopathic remedies have been around for hundreds of years and are derived from plants or minerals and can be find at reputable health stores such as Holland and Barrett.

If your worrying before the appointment and fixing on the worst possible outcome take 6c or 50C of Argentum Nitricum a few hours before the appointment and repeat every hour as necessary.

If your paralysed by fear try Gelsemium. Take 6c or 30c a few hours before and repeat every half hour as necesssary.

Following the treatment take a 30c dose of Arnica to help reduce trauma and reduce bruising and swelling,

If you've had a root filling or other treatment requiring nerve damage or tooth removed and feeling a sharp pain try Hypericum. Take 3 doses of 30cevery hour.

If there is lingering ache or pain following dental treatment take 3 30c doses of Mag phos over 24hours.

If you find your fear of dentists or dental work is overwhelming or causing you to avoid them completely use Hypnotherapy to overcome your fear and anxiety. Hypnotherapy is a wonderful aide to help remove any fears or worries concerning dentists/hygeniest and replaces them with calming thoughts.

Call 0754883864 to book your treatment.

NOTE: Homeopathic suggestions taken from an article by Tina Burchill RSHom.

The owner of this blog is not a qualified homeopath and can provide no verification on their benefit or any adverse effects.

Please consult a qualified homeopathic consultant prior to undertaking any homeopathic remedies.

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